Let’s create a better energy future, together.

With your help, we are making Massachusetts homes and businesses more energy efficient.
Aerial image of Massachusetts


Leading the Charge

The Sponsors of Mass Save are transforming the way Massachusetts residents and businesses use energy - creating a better, more sustainable future.
3.7 M
Metric tons of CO2 reduced—equivalent to taking 795,650 cars off the road 
$27.4 B
Generated benefits for Massachusetts residents and businesses
12.2 M
MWh saved in electricity usage 
A Massachusetts Family

Your Home

Whether you own or rent, there are opportunities to make your home more efficient, comfortable, and affordable.

A Massachusetts Business Owner

Your Business

Making efficiency upgrades to your business will save energy, money, and time—so your business can focus on what it does best.

An energy efficient Massachusetts community

Your Community

Communities all over Massachusetts are coming together to support energy efficiency and renewable energy—creating a cleaner future for all.

Massachusetts Energy Efficient Multi Family Building

Your Multi-Family Property

Integrating energy-saving solutions in your multi-family property can lead to long-term savings and year-round comfort for residents.

In the News