Business Quick Tools and Resources

Incentive Applications

For full program details and requirements, please visit the Business Rebates and Incentives page.

Building Management Systems

Incentives for building management systems for buildings up to 300,000 square feet without lab or process areas. Make sure to also Download the Calculator Tool for this offer.


Incentives for air and water-cooled chillers.

Compressed Air

Incentives for air compressors, nozzles, low-pressure drop filters, zero-loss condensate drains and more.


Incentives for custom projects, equipment and measures not covered by prescriptive offers.

Engineering Services

Incentives for technical assistance or engineering support to help determine savings and incentive potential of customized energy efficiency projects.

Electric Forklifts and Chargers

Get rebates on battery powered electric forklifts and high frequency battery chargers.

Heat Pumps (Existing Buildings)

Incentives available for installing air source heat pumps, variable refrigerant flow systems and ground source heat pumps in existing buildings.

Heat Pumps (New Construction)

Incentives available for installing air source heat pumps, variable refrigerant flow systems and ground source heat pumps in new construction buildings up to 20,000 square feet.

Industrial Air Curtains

Incentives for industrial air curtains for covering large overhead doors.

Lawn Equipment

Incentives available for professional and retail-grade lawn equipment.

Lighting Systems and Controls

Upgrade the efficiency of existing facility lighting utilizing this application.

Natural Gas Heating Equipment and Thermostats

Incentives for natural gas boilers, furnaces, and thermostats.

New Construction and Major Renovations

Click learn more for full program details, offerings and required documents for new construction and/or major renovation projects.

Pre-Weatherization Barrier Mitigation

Incentives available for removing asbestos, vermiculite and knob and tube wiring to allow for weatherization installation.

Variable Speed Drive and Motor

This application is for adding a new drive and replacing the motor with a NEMA premium efficient motor in an existing system.

Variable Speed Drive (New Construction)

This application is for adding a new drive to serve a new process or system.


This application is to be used for weatherization projects (attic & wall insulation and air sealing) in buildings that are under 20,000 square feet.

Equipment and Systems Performance Optimization (ESPO)

Low-Cost Tuning Measures

This option is best for businesses or facilities looking to make simplistic sequence improvements on a few pieces of equipment. Make sure to also Download Supporting Tools.

Targeted Systems Tuning

If your business has several pieces of equipment in the same system(s) needing attention, consider targeted systems tuning.

Whole Building and Process Tuning

To tune your whole building or processes, this option offers control optimization for commercial and industrial customers that consume more than 5,000,000 kWh annually and have a functional controls system in place.

Monitoring-Based Commissioning

Ensure equipment, systems, or building conditions continue to operate at their optimal efficiency through continuous monitoring and analysis of building data. Make sure to also Download Supporting Tools.


Adding Kitchen Hood Controls Savings Calculator

This calculator is to be used for calculating savings for adding kitchen hood controls.

Building Management System Calculator

This calculator is to be used for prescriptive Building Management System offer for buildings up to 300,000 square feet. This tool will calculate the savings and incentive.

C&I Weatherization Calculator

For buildings up to 100,000 square feet, use this calculator to determine weatherization savings.

Engine Block Heaters Savings Calculator

This calculator is to be used to calculate the energy savings for engine block heaters.

Low-Cost Tuning Measure Calculators

These calculators are to be used to calculate the energy savings for low-cost tuning measures.

Monitoring-Based Commissioning Tools

These tools are to be used to determine savings and incentives for the monitoring-based commissioning measures.

Pipe, Tank, and Valve Insulation Savings Calculator

This calculator is to be used for determining the energy savings for insulating pipes, tanks, and valves.

Transformer Replacements Savings Calculator

Use this calculator for calculating energy savings for transformer replacements.

Additional Resource Documents

Compliance Requirements for Commercial Food Service Equipment Efficiency Standards

Mass Save Baseline Document

Mass Save Simulation Guidelines

Massachusetts TMYx Weather Station Data

Minimum Required Documents Template

Technical Assistance Study Template