The Sponsors of Mass Save® partner with local and national organizations to develop energy education initiatives in Massachusetts schools. The goal is to encourage students to learn the benefits of saving energy and to explore innovative concepts for the future. In partnership, the Sponsors of Mass Save offer professional development trainings and curriculum materials for educators as well as workforce development opportunities for technical high schools.
School Resources and Energy Efficiency Education
National Energy Education Development (NEED)
The Sponsors of Mass Save® partner with the National Energy Education Development (NEED) Project to offer energy efficiency related professional development for educators as well as student workshops. The educator materials and training programs are aligned with Common Core State Standards and provide comprehensive, objective information about the scientific concepts of energy and the sources of energy, their use and their impact on the environment, the economy, and society.
- NEED Educator Workshops
- K-12 teachers can attend at no cost with a subsidy for substitute coverage, if necessary. Teachers who participate in training receive teacher guides and student kits with materials for hands-on projects as well as Professional Development credits.
View upcoming NEED workshops
- NEED Student Workshops
- The NEED Clean Energy Career Workshops are available for students.
Upon request, NEED will provide a half to one day hands-on workshop for students on energy efficiency and clean energy career opportunities.
To request a workshop email
- NEED Curriculum
- Curriculum materials are reviewed annually by energy advisors and teachers alike for objectivity, applicability, and content, as well as curriculum standards.
- With National Energy Education Development (NEED) curriculum materials, students at all grade levels can learn about the forms of energy with age-appropriate exploration that emphasizes the scientific process, energy sources, efficiency and conservation, and more.
View NEED Curriculum
Mass Save Green STEP
Mass Save Green STEP supplements existing high school curriculum with specialized training workshops related to science, technology, engineering and math, known as S.T.E.M. Mass Save Green STEP focuses on energy and sustainability, while increasing student awareness of job opportunities in these emerging industries, including weatherization, home performance, and clean energy production.
Learn more about Mass Save Green STEP
Additional School Resources
Access additional resources and in-class activities from Mass Save Sponsors: