Disclaimer: This summary does not represent tax advice. Outside tax counsel may be required to consider tax credit project structure, and rules and guidance from the Federal government and the Massachusetts government are pending.
Frequently Asked Questions
Select from the following FAQ topics:
How long will it take to receive my rebate?
It can take up to eight (8) weeks for rebates to process.
It has been more than eight (8) weeks since I submitted my rebate form and documentation. Why haven't I received my rebate?
To check the status of your rebate, please visit the Mass Save Online Rebate Portal. If your rebate submission was incomplete, additional processing time may be needed.
Who can help me get my rebate?
If you have any questions regarding the status of your rebate, please email your question to MARebates@Resource-Innovations.com or call us at 888-855-0340.
What is the quickest way to get my rebate?
Rebate requests submitted online through our Rebate Portal can result in faster processing of your rebate, typically 6-8 weeks. Applications that are mailed in typically take longer to process.
I'm having trouble requesting my rebate through the Mass Save Online Rebate Portal. What other options do I have?
If you have difficulty submitting your rebate request through the Mass Save Online Rebate Portal, please reach out to us via one of the following:
- Email us at MARebates@Resource-Innovations.com and include your completed rebate form and supporting documentation if you have it.
- Call us at 888-855-0340
- Mail your completed rebate form and supporting documentation to Mass Save at 1337 Massachusetts Ave, P.O. Box 228, Arlington, MA 02476
I think I made a mistake on my rebate forms. Can I fix it?
If you submitted your rebate request online, you can make edits through the Mass Save Online Rebate Portal. If you mailed your form call us at 888-855-0340.
Inflation Reduction Act
What is the Inflation Reduction Act?
The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 (IRA or Act) is a law designed to advance clean energy and reduce greenhouse gas emissions through support for investment in domestic energy production, energy efficiency, and electrification. The legislation provides over $10 billion in rebates and tax credits to help households install important home upgrades, increase energy efficiency, and use renewable energy.
Does the IRA offer tax credits?
Yes, the Act extends and increases certain tax credits that are available to consumers who reduce energy use and emissions from their homes by investing in energy efficiency and renewable energy.
Can I claim a tax credit for eligible home improvements under the IRA?
The Act reinstituted and increased the Energy Efficient Home Improvement Credit, which allows households to credit up to 30% of the cost of energy efficiency home upgrades against their taxes. Depending on the equipment or improvement made, this credit can total up to $3,200 per year for residential efficiency and electrification upgrades. Households are eligible for up to $1,200 per year for weatherization, including insulation and efficient windows and doors, as well as electrical panel upgrades installed in connection with a heat pump. Households can also claim an additional $2,000 for electric heat pumps and heat pump water heaters. The full credit is available for home improvements made starting in 2023. Please review our guide to IRA tax incentives, which the Mass Save Sponsors co-created with Rewiring America, to learn more about this tax credit.
Does the IRA offer tax credits for installing solar power, geothermal heat pumps, or battery storage systems?
The Act extended the Residential Clean Energy Credit, which allows households to credit up to 30% of the cost of installing solar panels, geothermal heat pumps, and batteries against their taxes. This credit is available for solar and geothermal heat pumps installed starting in 2022, and for residential batteries installed starting in 2023. Massachusetts customers installing ground source heat pumps as their primary source of heating may receive up to $15,000 from the Mass Save Program. You can find further details and information on how to enroll here. Massachusetts customers with residential batteries are eligible to participate in the Mass Save ConnectedSolutions Program and have the potential to earn up to $1,375 per year based on an average 5-kW battery. You can find further details and information on how to enroll in ConnectedSolutions here.
How do Mass Save rebates factor into the calculation of tax credits?
The value of Mass Save rebates is deducted from the project cost prior to calculating the value of the tax credits.
How can developers benefit from the IRA's tax credit opportunities?
The Act extended and increased the New Energy Efficient Home Credit, which provides up to $5,000 to developers to build energy efficient single-family homes and units in multi-family buildings. To qualify for the credit, these homes and buildings must meet the U.S. Department of Energy's ENERGY STAR Residential New Construction requirements or be certified as Zero Energy Ready Homes. (The latter are verified by a qualified third party as being at least 40% more energy efficient than a typical new home.) The credit is available for qualified homes sold starting in 2023.
Does the IRA offer tax deductions for commercial buildings?
The Act significantly increased the Commercial Buildings Energy Efficiency Tax Deduction, which allows building owners constructing new buildings or undergoing major renovations to deduct the cost of qualified energy efficiency improvements up to a maximum of $0.50 to $1.00 per square foot for projects achieving 25 to 50 percent reductions in energy cost compared to a building meeting the ASHRAE 90.1 standard. These incentives quintuple for projects that meet prevailing wage and apprenticeship requirements.
The Act also adds a new alternative option to claiming the Commercial Buildings Energy Efficiency Tax Deduction. This option is available for building owners that reduce the building’s energy use intensity (EUI) by 25% or more. This path to claiming the tax deduction allows the owner to deduct the cost of qualified energy efficiency improvements up to a maximum of $.50 to $1.00 per square foot for projects achieving 25 to 50 percent reductions in EUI over baseline, with the same increase in incentives for projects that meet prevailing wage and apprenticeship requirements.
The Act also adds a new alternative option to claiming the Commercial Buildings Energy Efficiency Tax Deduction. This option is available for building owners that reduce the building’s energy use intensity (EUI) by 25% or more. This path to claiming the tax deduction allows the owner to deduct the cost of qualified energy efficiency improvements up to a maximum of $.50 to $1.00 per square foot for projects achieving 25 to 50 percent reductions in EUI over baseline, with the same increase in incentives for projects that meet prevailing wage and apprenticeship requirements.
Does the IRA offer tax incentives for commercial and industrial developers who invest in ground source heat pumps and on-site renewable energy generation?
Yes, the Act extended and increased clean energy tax credits for developers of renewable energy projects using solar, wind, energy storage, ground source heat pumps, and other renewable energy technologies. Customers installing these projects can claim a tax credit of up to 30% or more of the cost of the energy investments if certain requirements are satisfied, such as projects under 1 MW in size or that use prevailing wage and apprentice labor, as well as for projects using domestic content and in low-income communities.
Does the IRA have other programs to benefit under-resourced communities?
Yes. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is working to implement the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund. The GGRF will fund three programs with a strong focus on low- and moderate-income communities. The National Clean Investment Fund will use $14 billion to create a network of “green banks” around the country to finance the deployment of technologies that reduce greenhouse gases. The Clean Communities Investment Accelerator will allocate $6 billion to community lenders in low- and moderate-income communities. Finally, the Solar for All will deploy $7 billion to support residential solar in low-income and disadvantaged communities.
What is the timeline for receiving a tax credit or an eligible cash rebate under the IRA?
Tax credits are available for improvements made to your home starting in 2023. With respect to cash rebates, the Act does not include any specific implementation timeline. The federal government recently opened the application for rebate funds to individual states, and Massachusetts DOER will need to create new programs to oversee these funds, including determining cash rebate values and eligibility rules. The Sponsors of Mass Save look forward to collaborating with our partners in Massachusetts state government to design and implement approaches that allow customers to leverage these new sources of funding when taking advantage of complementary offerings from the Mass Save programs. We will continue to provide updates through MassSave.com as additional details become available.
When will the IRA go into effect?
The Act was signed into law on August 16, 2022. The Act includes multiple programs designed to assist owners, renters, and landlords of single- and multi-family homes and buildings. Some energy savings programs, such as tax credits, are already available to support home improvement projects, while federal and state agencies are still working to develop rules and guidelines for other programs.
How could my home benefit from the IRA?
The Act includes tax credits and rebates designed to reduce the cost of increasing your home's energy efficiency and of transitioning to clean energy sources. Specifically supported measures include weatherization, distributed energy resources (solar PV and batteries) and various forms of electrification, including support for high-efficiency heat pumps, induction cooktops, heat pump hot water heaters and electrical upgrades.
How does the IRA address climate change?
About 20% of all greenhouse gas emissions come from the residential housing sector. The Act provides financial incentives to reduce energy use and transition to clean energy sources.
How does the IRA work with the Mass Save energy efficiency programs to help me save money?
In addition to tax credits that taxpayers can claim directly, the Act includes almost $8.6 billion in federal grants issued to individual state energy offices to develop and implement rebate and incentive programs. In Massachusetts, this will be administered through the Department of Energy Resources. The Mass Save Sponsors are coordinating with the Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources in the development of energy efficiency programs and offerings that utilize the IRA funds.
Do I need to wait for the IRA funded programs to be made available before I start an energy efficiency project?
The Mass Save Sponsors already offer significant rebates and incentives designed to save homeowners, renters, and landlords money through supporting energy efficiency solutions that lower energy costs. While the IRA’s programs continue to roll out, Massachusetts residents and businesses can make energy efficiency improvements now with the existing Mass Save program offerings and federal tax credits. Find more information about Mass Save residential rebates and incentives here, and review our guide to IRA tax incentives, which the Mass Save Sponsors co-created with Rewiring America, to learn how you can benefit today.
Does the IRA offer rebates for home energy improvements?
Yes. The IRA creates two rebate programs to promote home energy efficiency and home electrification called the Home Efficiency Rebates Program and the Home Electrification and Appliance Rebates Program. The federal Department of Energy will allocate these funds (over $8 billion in total) to energy offices in all 50 states, including around $145 million to the Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources (“DOER”). DOER is developing a plan to allocate these rebates, and the Mass Save Sponsors are coordinating with DOER to ensure that these rebates complement existing Mass Save incentives.
What is the Home Efficiency Rebates Program?
Homeowners and landlords of single- and multi-family homes can benefit from savings with the Home Efficiency Rebates program. Program eligibility is not income-based and instead measures the actual performance of your whole-home energy efficiency and electrification improvements. Further details will be developed as the U.S. Department of Energy issues guidance to state energy offices like DOER, which will administer the Home Efficiency Rebates in Massachusetts.
What is the Home Electrification and Appliance Rebates Program?
The Home Electrification and Appliance Rebates Program includes rebates for low- and moderate-income households (or those working on their behalf) that install new, efficient electric appliances. Further details will be developed as the U.S. Department of Energy issues guidance to state energy offices like DOER, which will administer the Home Efficiency Rebates in Massachusetts. Mass Save also helps Massachusetts low- and moderate-income households make energy efficiency improvements through our existing, no-cost Mass Save offerings. Check out our income-based programs to learn how you can take advantage of these offers.
Heat Pumps
Do heat pumps work in cold weather?
A heat pump system that is properly sized for the facility it is serving can deliver sufficient heat through the winter. Some cold climate heat pump models have been tested to produce heat when outdoor temperatures get as low -30°F.
I installed heat pumps before getting an Home Energy Assessment or completing weatherization. Can I still get the whole home heat pump rebate?
Yes, if your Home Energy Assessment or weatherization work is done within 6 months of your heat pump installation, the rebate will be paid when weatherization is complete.
How do I track the status of my heat pump rebate?
Rebate submissions can be tracked through the Mass Save Online Rebate Portal.
There are no times available for a Virtual Mass Save Decarbonization Consultation. Can I be added to a wait list?
There is currently no waitlist for a Virtual Decarbonization Consultation. Appointments can only be made up to one month in advance, so please continue to check the schedule for available appointments.
Home Energy Assessments
How long does a Home Energy Assessment take?
A Home Energy Assessment will take no more than 2.5 hours depending on the size of the home. During that time, an Energy Specialist will walk throughout the home making recommendations for weatherization including insulation and air sealing opportunities, along with HVAC and water heating upgrades. While performing the assessment, the Energy Specialist may also provide instant energy saving measures such as smart thermostats, low-flow showerheads, aerators, and energy saving powerstrips.
Do I have to do everything recommended as part of the Home Energy Assessment?
No. Customers participating in a Home Energy Assessment are not obligated to implement any recommendations proposed by their Energy Specialist.
Who needs to be there during a Home Energy Assessment?
It is recommended and encouraged that the homeowner/decision maker and/or the person that knows the most about the home be present throughout the duration of the Home Energy Assessment. If the homeowner/decision maker is unavailable someone who is knowledgeable about the home and at least 18 years-old must be present.
HEAT Loans
What is a HEAT Loan?
The Mass Save HEAT Loan offers 0% financing opportunities for eligible residential energy-efficient upgrades. Financing is available for a variety of energy-efficient upgrades including insulation, heat pump installations, batteries, and more. More information can be found online and in the Mass Save HEAT Loan Guide.
What equipment is eligible for the HEAT loan?
A full list of eligible equipment including efficiency requirements can be found here and in the Mass Save HEAT Loan Guide.
I am receiving assistance on my utility bill, am I eligible to utilize the HEAT Loan?
Customers receiving fuel assistance should review the options available through the Income Eligible Program. You may be eligible to receive energy efficient upgrades at little or no cost through your local Community Action Program (CAP) agency.
Does applying for a HEAT loan involve a credit check?
Yes, while the authorization letter from the Sponsors of Mass Save is proof to a bank/credit union that the equipment is approved for the HEAT loan, you must also comply with the lending and credit requirements of the lender.
Is there a deadline for me to request my 0% interest HEAT loan?
Customers have two years from their Home Energy Assessment to apply for the Heat Loan Authorization Letter. Once issued, the Authorization Letter is good for 60 days. During that time, a customer should work with a participating lender to secure the loan.
Can I apply for the HEAT Loan if my equipment is already installed?
No. You cannot apply for a HEAT Loan for work that has already been installed. The program does not cover work completed prior to receipt of an authorization form.
I am the owner of a 5+ unit apartment building, can I receive a HEAT Loan?
No. The HEAT Loan is only available to individually owned houses, condos, and 1-4 unit properties.
Why is my HEAT loan not for the full proposed amount?
The loan amount is the cost of the eligible equipment, less any applicable rebates. Rebates are deducted from the proposal total and are not able to be included in the loan amount.
Do you need photos of the equipment I financed with the HEAT loan?
Yes. The final step in completing the HEAT Loan application requires the submission of verification photos of the installed equipment that was financed through the loan.
Can you suggest a lender for my HEAT loan?
Participating HEAT Loan lenders can be found here.
If I cannot finance my energy efficiency project, how do I make this payment?
Customers are ultimately responsible for their financial relationship with the contractor they select. A deposit may be required for you to schedule planned work that involves ordering equipment. The Sponsors recommend multiple quotes before selecting a contractor, including discussing the timing of deposits, payments, and rebate amounts.
I used a HEAT loan before, but I moved. Can I apply for another HEAT loan at my new property?
Yes. HEAT Loan maximum amounts are per property.
What is weatherization?
Weatherization is an important first step towards a more energy-efficient home and business. It includes insulation and air sealing. These measures can help:
- Lower heating and cooling costs
- Decrease drafts to improve comfort and humidity all year long, including keeping your home or business cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter
- Minimize outside noise
- Prevent allergens from entering your home or business
- Reduce future building maintenance costs
Do I have to shut down my business while my building is weatherized?
No. Many businesses can schedule the weatherization of their building in phases. Business operations and services to customers can continue while non-customer facing areas are weatherized. Customer facing areas can be weatherized during non-traditional business hours.
How do I get my Certificate of Completion for weatherization completed in my home?
The installing contractor or Energy Specialist can provide this upon completion of the weatherization project.
Are there any solar incentives?
The Sponsors of Mass Save currently offer 0% financing for solar battery back up storage for residential customers. Additional solar programs may be added in the future. Please visit the solar section of the Mass Save website for additional resources.
Can I finance solar panels and my residential battery together?
No. Only the battery storage is eligible for financing.
Renovations and New Construction
Can I get Mass Save rebates for new construction or renovations?
The Sponsors of Mass Save® offer incentives for Residential and Commercial new construction and renovations. Please visit the following for more information:
- Residential New Construction: https://www.masssave.com/en/residential/programs-and-services/new-home-construction
- Residential Renovations and Additions: https://www.masssave.com/en/residential/programs-and-services/renovations-and-additions
- Commercial New Construction and Major Renovations: https://www.masssave.com/en/business/programs-and-services/new-construction-and-major-renovations
How do I participate?
For more information about incentives available for Residential and Commercial new construction and renovations, please visit:
- Residential New Construction: https://www.masssave.com/en/residential/programs-and-services/new-home-construction
- Residential Renovations and Additions: https://www.masssave.com/en/residential/programs-and-services/renovations-and-additions
- Commercial New Construction and Major Renovations: https://www.masssave.com/en/business/programs-and-services/new-construction-and-major-renovations
What residential incentives are available for renovations?
The Sponsors of Mass Save provide a whole-house, performance-based incentive for energy efficiency upgrades included in a renovation or addition. The Sponsors calculate how much energy your home uses after your renovation or addition. That energy usage is compared against a baseline that represents the minimum expected performance of the home. The more energy efficiency measures you implement, the greater your energy savings and incentive. The Sponsors offer financial incentives for renovations and additions to homes that exceed the Massachusetts building energy code to improve energy efficiency.
Can I use incentives and IRA tax credits together?
Can projects that don’t fully take out an existing system receive rebates?
Yes, heat pumps can be used in conjunction with existing fossil fuel heating systems as a backup heating source, as long as the customer either installs an integrated control from the Mass Save Heat Pump Qualified Product List (QPL) or certifies that an existing building control system is capable of operating both the heat pump and existing heating equipment in parallel, subject to the stated switchover temperature. Documentation of control sequence may be required.
Commercial and Industrial Instant Rebates and Incentives
How do I apply for a rebate commitment letter?
Rebate commitment letters are available for Commercial heat pump installations. They can be requested by completing this application.
Contractor Questions
How do I choose a contractor?
For a full list of trained heating and cooling (HVAC) contractors, as well as contractors who provide no-cost Home Energy Assessments and installation of insulation and air sealing, click here.
Can I pick my own contractor? Where can I find one?
For heat pumps, you can select any contractor as long as they are part of our Mass Save Heat Pump Installer Network.
For weatherization, please visit the contractor look up page for approved contractors.
For Heat Pump Water Heater contractors, visit https://www.energystar.gov/productfinder/water-heater-installers/
How long does it take to install the work?
Installation times vary based on the scope of the work. When a contractor calls to review the job, they are better suited to provide an exact timeline.
I've received a few quotes from contractors, can you help me choose?
Residential customers can schedule a decarbonization consultation with a specialist to review the quotes and recommend a path forward. More information about Decarbonization Consultations can be found here.
How can I determine if I qualify for a Small Business Energy Assessment?
Businesses that use less than 1.5 million kWh or 40,000 therms annually are eligible under the Sponsors Small Business program. Businesses that utilize more than those thresholds are eligible through our Large Commercial program. Contact your Sponsor with questions.
How do I sign up for a small business energy assessment?
Please visit MassSave.com/SmallBusiness for more information and to Find Your Sponsor. Contact your Sponsor to schedule an appointment.
Is there a fee for the energy assessment?
The energy assessments for small businesses are no-cost.
What incentives are available to small business?
The Sponsors of Mass Save offer incentives on weatherization, refrigeration, HVAC, water-saving devices and more. Visit here to find out more.
What if I don't own the building where my business is located?
Customers are still able to have a no-cost energy assessment on your building even if you don't own the building. The Sponsors will work with the property manager/owner for deeper measures such as weatherization and HVAC.
For 2-4 unit buildings, is the Whole Home Heat Pump incentive available per unit?
If each unit has its own gas (for gas to heat pump conversions) or electric account (for oil, propane, or electric resistance to heat pump conversions), each unit is eligible for a rebate. If there is one meter for all units the building is eligible for one rebate.
What qualifies as a townhouse?
A townhouse is defined as a single-family dwelling unit constructed in a group of three or more attached units in which each unit extends from foundation to roof.