Commercial ConnectedSolutions Offerings

Receive incentives for decreasing energy use at the right times.
Receive incentives for managing and reducing energy use during periods of peak electricity demand.

Through our ConnectedSolutions Active Demand Reduction initiative (often called Demand Response), your business will utilize tools and approaches (advanced controls, energy storage, and active monitoring) to help you reduce electricity use during peak times.

During times of peak demand, you receive incentives for lowering and/or shifting electricity usage — reducing emissions and creating less stress on the electricity grid.

  1. Contact a Curtailment Service Provider to determine your potential for reducing electricity use at peak times, and develop a curtailment plan.*

    *Note that direct participation is also allowed, but customers selecting this option are responsible for work needed to stream data into the Program Administrator's (PA) Distributed Energy Resource Management Systems (DERMS) platform. For those interested in this option, please contact your PA to discuss.

  2. Complete the ConnectedSolutions application available at the following websites:
  3. You will be notified 24 hours before a peak demand event via email, text message, and/or a phone call and you will receive incentives for lowering your business's energy use during this time.
  4. You will receive your performance-based incentive payment based on your average kilowatt (kW) reduction over the season and will be paid out based on your average performance.