Commercial Battery-Powered Lawn Equipment

Use battery-powered lawn equipment to reduce your carbon footprint.
leaf blower
Switch to commercial, battery-powered lawn equipment and get rebates up to $3,500.

Battery-powered motors are more energy-efficient, reduce carbon emissions, and typically require less maintenance than gas-powered equipment.

The Sponsors of Mass Save offer incentives on equipment, including:

  • Lawnmowers
  • Leaf Blowers
  • String Trimmers
  • Chainsaws 

Retail-Grade Equipment
Retail-grade equipment is for property managers or businesses who use lawn equipment for a short period of time during the day.

Equipment  Rebate (per unit)
Lawnmower $75
Leaf blower $30
String Trimmer $30
Chainsaw $30
*Must be battery-powered and have a battery capacity less than 500-watt hours


Professional-grade Equipment
Professional-grade equipment is for landscapers, municipal operations, or those that use equipment throughout a full day.

Equipment Rebate (per unit)
Lawnmower* $3,500
Leaf blower** $100
String Trimmer** $100
Chainsaw** $100
*Must have a battery capacity more than 7000-watt hours
**Must have a battery capacity more than 500-watt hours

Related Rebates & Incentives

Not Sure Where To Start?

If you’re looking for advice on how to save energy, the Sponsors of Mass Save offer energy assessments and guidance to support efficiency projects from start to finish.

Learn More