Path 1: Net Zero and Low EUI Buildings (10,000 sf or greater)

Partner with the Sponsors of Mass Save for help reaching your team’s net zero goals while getting your project on a path to minimize future overall energy use. Work with us and receive the highest level of incentives and key resources to help you achieve a very low carbon building, low energy use intensity (EUI), and ultimately, net zero success. Decarbonize your building and receive per ton heat pump incentives when you install cold climate heat pump technology.

EUI Targets
EUI Targets
Payable at End of Construction Payable at End of 1 yr. post occupancy
Construction Incentive
Heat Pump Adder Post Occupancy Incentive
Adder for Getting Under ZNE EUI Target
VARY BY PROJECT TYPE Either $1.50/sf or $2.00/sf (depending on EUI target) Air Source Heat Pumps: $800/ton
Variable Refrigerant Flow (VRF): $1,200/ton
Ground Source Heat Pumps: $4,500/ton
$1.50 $0.05/EUI point reduction/sf


For more details on this path, please click here.