It’s Never Too Early to Tune-up Your Central A/C

Tháng Ba 15, 2016

Winter isn’t quite over yet, but with the mild weather we’ve had this year, now is the perfect time to start thinking about getting your Central A/C system ready for the warmer weather. The off-season can take a toll on the inner-workings of these systems, but fear not, there are some simple tips and best practices to get your HVAC equipment in top shape for spring and summer.

The HVAC system is one of the biggest and most costly investments you’ll make for your house, so it’s only natural you’ll want to keep it in the best shape possible.

When conducting a usual maintenance check-up, you should keep the following in mind:

Take a Look at Thermostat Settings

Making sure that your thermostat is set to where it should be will not only keep your home at a comfortable temperature, but will ensure that the system is not being overtaxed when you’re away on vacation or out for the day. Using a programmable thermostat is a huge asset when trying to tweak the efficiency of your home’s heating and cooling.

Recommended Thermostat Settings







78° F

88° F

82° F


68° F

58° F

60° F

The Sponsors of Mass Save® offer rebates of up to $100 for wireless enabled thermostats and up to $25 for 7-day programmable thermostats.

Examine Your Air Filters

Your contractor will be able to show you how to inspect, clean, or change the air filters in your system. Doing this routine maintenance once a month is a great way to make sure that your air filter is clean. Dirty filters increase your energy costs by making your system work harder to get air through. They can also damage the equipment itself, leading to costly repairs and system failure.

Keep it Clean

The air filter isn’t the only component you’ll want to keep clean. Take a look at the outdoor condenser unit and remove any dirt, debris, or overgrowth from the area to ensure nothing is interfering with your system’s operation. It’s recommended that you keep the area around your HVAC unit cleared by at least two feet.

Insulate, Insulate, Insulate

Making sure your home is insulated properly is not only a way to save heat and energy dollars in the winter, but also that precious conditioned air in the summer. Making sure that your windows are sealed properly is a good place to start, but there are other areas that might be leaking air in your home, such as the attic and basement. Some of these leaks can be sealed with resources available at home, but it’s always a good idea to contact your contractor to ensure that everything is being done safely and properly.

These actions can feel like a bit of a chore, but it’s worth the dollars you’ll save in potential maintenance and replacement fees. If your maintenance does require you to call in the professionals, it’s better to have a head start on this, before the busy summer season. Conducting your first tune-up in the spring will give you a good indication of the level of maintenance you might need before the humid summer months kick in, so you don’t get yourself in a, err… sticky situation.

For more ideas like these, take a look at our other posts to see how you can become a Mass Saver.

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