Fun Winter Activities That Save on Energy
Tháng Giêng 15, 2016
Just because the snow’s here doesn’t mean that the fun has to stop. It might be cold outside, but bundle up, turn off the TV, and get ready to learn how to have some fun both inside and outside this winter, with activities for you and your family that won’t drain all your energy.
Read on to get some tips on how to keep busy this winter and keep your energy costs down.
Bake Some Winter Treats
What better way to keep occupied and warm up than with some delicious and hearty treats? Generate some heat from the inside out with a cup of hot chocolate and, the all-time classic, homemade brownies. Feel free to get creative – there are millions of recipes online that are just begging to be made!
Build a Fort
Turning the temperature down in the house? Keep warm and busy by making a “cover fort.” Fun and easy projects like this are a great way to occupy the kids when it’s too frigid to even step outside. So get creative with what you have indoors.
Create a Snow-Masterpiece
On those milder days, head outside and move some snow around… Building a snow fort, or even a full-fledged igloo is a great way to spend time outdoors and leaves something to revisit all winter long. Get your kids psyched about building their masterpiece by letting them decorate and set up the interior.
Fun Tip: Use your imagination. There are all sorts of snow-masterpieces, but sometimes the best are the most original. Have your kids go with the flow – the number one priority is having fun!
Get Back on That Sled
You’re never too old for a little downhill adventure. You might have hung up your skis a while ago, but don’t let that stop you from some sledding or tubing this winter. For the more cautious, inflatable tubes are the way to go – they provide a nice cushion without sacrificing any of the fun.
Fun Tip: Have a race with your kids, family, or friends. Let each person pick their own sled and have fun making designs on it, and then set off for the slopes!
Family Game Night
Turn the screens off and institute a family game night. There are tons of options to choose from, and not only will you save battery charging time and power, you’ll have a chance to reconnect with your loved ones after a cold winter day. This is a great opportunity to grab some of those delicious winter treats and huddle up indoors by a fire.
Fun Tip: Choose a game that everyone will enjoy. Whether it’s a fast paced board game or even a humongous puzzle, it doesn’t matter, as long as everyone is having a great time.
These suggestions might be simple, but it’s easy to forget how simple it really is to have fun without the various electronic options available these days. Let this winter be a time to reconnect with your friends and family – don’t let that cold weather get you down!
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