Four New Year’s Resolutions that Are Easy to Keep

Tháng Giêng 10, 2018

As 2018 begins, New Year’s resolutions will be made, but they can be challenging to follow through on. In fact, 80% of resolutions made will fail by the second week of February! To better set yourself up for success, it helps to create goals that are small, attainable, trackable, and offer a sense of accomplishment. To start you off, we’ve got four simple goals for improving your home’s energy-efficiency that will reward both you and your wallet. With the help of the sponsors of Mass Save®, including Cape Light Compact, National Grid, Eversource, and Unitil, you can easily accomplish each of these goals over the next 12 months! Are you up for the challenge?

Goal 1: Upgrade to LEDs

Start off 2018 on the right foot by installing LEDs throughout your home. While providing the same amount of brightness as traditional incandescent bulbs, LEDs can use up to 90% less energy. Not only are they more efficient, but they are also longer-lasting. This means that by committing to change out your current light bulbs with LEDs this year, you may not need to do so again for another two decades! This saves you both time and money.

There are appropriate LED bulb options for every function and room in your home, and even for your home’s exterior. To learn more about LED functionality, safety, and reliability, check out our Lighting e-book. There are so many advantages to making the upgrade, and there’s no reason why you can’t accomplish this goal this week! Make your purchases through our online storefront or visit your local retailer to find great discounts on LED bulbs and fixtures, courtesy of the sponsors of Mass Save.

Goal 2: Update Your Showerhead

When we think about “energy efficiency,” what typically comes to mind includes light bulbs, insulation, or heating and cooling systems. Get a leg up on your energy efficiency goals by updating your showerhead. Efficient showerheads and showerhead adaptors help reduce your hot water use, thereby saving you both water and energy.

One type of efficient showerhead technology is a thermostatic shut-off valve, also known as a TSV. How does it work? In short, a TSV possesses a valve that is triggered by water temperature: once the water has heated up to a desired temperature, the valve decreases the water flow to a trickle until you pull the connected cord that resumes full water flow. This way, those of us who tend to turn on the shower and step away to let the water heat up can ensure we’re saving all that hot water for ourselves rather than wasting it down the drain.

Like the sound of these savings, but don’t want to give up your current showerhead? The good news is that TSV adaptors are available that can be easily retrofitted with many existing fixtures. But if you are looking for a new showerhead altogether, low-flow models – many of which have an integrated TSV – also exist and will help reduce water flow during your shower, meaning you’ll save even more water and energy! The Mass Save online storefront offers several modern and stylish options for discounted, energy-efficient showerhead upgrades.

Goal 3: Recycle Your Old Refrigerator or Freezer

We all have those tasks that linger on the bottom of our to-do lists. Perhaps for you these tasks include sorting through old clothing or cleaning out the garage – or maybe you’ve been dying to get rid of an old refrigerator or freezer. If it’s the latter, Mass Save can help you out! Take advantage of no-cost appliance pickup and removal, plus receive a $50 rebate just for recycling your outdated and inefficient unit. Knock out this 2018 goal without even lifting a finger and let Mass Save do the work!

Goal 4: Add a Tier 2 Advanced Power Strip to Your Home Entertainment Center

If your home entertainment center has an obnoxious tangle of wires and cords, it might be time to get organized this year with a tier 2 advanced power strip – also known as a tier 2 APS. Organization is not the only reason, nor is it the most important reason to add a tier 2 APS for your electronics. Advanced power strips offer improved surge protection, reduction in standby power loss, and reduction in active energy waste. Additionally, most models come with a lifetime warranty, allowing you to never worry about having to make a replacement. Receive an instant rebate on advanced power strips by finding discounted models at local retailers or visiting the Mass Save online store!

So what are you waiting for?! Let’s make 2018 your year! New Year’s resolutions can be kept, if you track your progress and develop goals that are realistic. Take the first step by committing to these four small and attainable goals. Plus, be sure to follow Mass Save on Facebook to keep an eye out for special, limited-time promotions that will provide even more deals and savings this new year. Cheers to 2018!

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