Boilers & Furnaces

For an existing boiler or furnace, regular maintenance is recommended to ensure maximum efficiency and the Sponsors still support existing gas-fired equipment optimization like adding Variable Speed Drives & Motors or developing custom projects, such as adding boiler combustion controls or implementing hot water reset control sequences.

Consider replacing a boiler or furnace with a clean energy heat pump for the greatest efficiencies and savings. Heat pumps provide both heating and cooling in one unit.

Paired with weatherization upgrades (insulation and air sealing), upgrading heating and cooling equipment is one of the most effective ways to lower your energy use.

Case Study: Gallo Ice Arena

By upgrading boilers and other equipment, the Gallo Ice Arena saved an estimated $34,694 in annual costs. In addition to energy savings, upgrades improved the ice surface, expanded skating opportunities, and improved rink aesthetics.

Case Study: Polar Beverages

Find out how a family-owned and-operated independent bottling company saved $180,000 and reduced greenhouse gas emissions by adding controls to a boiler and replacing six gas-fired water heaters with smaller, high-efficiency units.

Not Sure Where To Start?

If you’re looking for advice on how to save energy, the Sponsors of Mass Save offer energy assessments and guidance to support efficiency projects from start to finish.

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