Home Energy Assessments (Virtual or In-Person)

Learn about energy-saving opportunities specific to your home.
The Sponsors of Mass Save offer no-cost virtual or in-person Home Energy Assessments.

During an assessment, an Energy Specialist will seek out energy-saving opportunities, recommend upgrades, and help you navigate available rebates, incentives, and 0% financing. After an assessment, you will receive a custom energy report highlighting the rebates and incentives you qualify for.

One of the first steps toward better efficiency is weatherization, which includes upgrading your insulation and air sealing. Benefits of insulation and air sealing improvements include:

  • Lowering heating and cooling costs by up to 20%
  • Decreasing drafts to improve comfort and humidity all year long
  • Minimizing outside noise for a quieter, more peaceful environment
  • Preventing allergens and pests from entering your home
  • Reducing the chance of ice dams—protecting your home from potential damage

The Sponsors of Mass Save also offer no-cost insulation and air sealing upgrades and more to income-qualified households.

Home Energy Assessments are also available for renters, landlords (1-4 units), and landlords (5+ units).

In addition to our In-Person Home Energy Assessments we offer a no-cost Online Energy Assessment, where you tell us about your home so we can provide personalized recommendations for saving energy.

An Energy Specialist will identify energy-saving opportunities throughout your home and make recommendations. You will receive a custom energy report, which will provide the rebates and incentives you qualify for that may include:

  • 75-100% off approved insulation improvements
  • No-cost targeted air sealing
  • Rebates of up to $25,000 on qualifying energy-efficient heating, cooling and/or water-heating equipment (eligibility based on findings from your Home Energy Assessment)
  • The opportunity to apply for 0% financing through the Mass Save HEAT Loan Program for eligible upgrades
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  • Customers must live in a 1- to 4-unit home. If you live in a 5+ unit building, talk to your landlord about participating in a multi-family assessment
  • Eligibility for certain rebates is based on findings from the Home Energy Assessment
  • Some restrictions apply and offers are subject to change or cancellation
  • Financing is subject to approval from a participating lender
  • Customers who meet household income guidelines may instead be eligible for increased incentives 

Case Study: Drury Residence

A Greenfield homeowner received $10,000 in incentives after participating in a no-cost energy assessment and replacing his furnace and water heater with clean, efficient heat pump systems.

Case Study: As Good as New

Instead of moving, Vance participated in a no-cost energy assessment to find ways to make his home more comfortable. By making insulation upgrades and installing two high-efficiency mini-split heat pumps and advanced power strips, he saved $632 annually in energy costs.