Pool Heaters

Save energy with a high-efficiency pool heater.
Upgrade to a newer, more energy-efficient pool heater to save on energy costs.

Running and maintaining a pool can lead to high energy consumption and bills at the end of the month. Today, businesses can find new gas-fired pool heaters with much higher efficiencies than older models.

Gas pool heaters use natural gas and are ideal for businesses or buildings that need to quickly heat their pools.

Pool Pump Incentives
Equipment Required Efficiency Minimum Sales Price Discount
Gas Pool Heater  Thermal Efficiency ≥ 84%  $2.00/Mbtuh - discounts ranging from $300 - $8,000 per unit

  1. Determine Your Pool Heating Needs
    Contact your contractor to determine the pool heating needs for your business.
  2. Find a Participating Distributor
    Locate participating distributors who can work with you and your contractor to identify the right type of high-efficiency equipment for your business.
  3. Receive Incentive
    The incentive will be automatically applied at the point of purchase and noted on the invoice.
If you have any questions, please contact your Sponsor


  • Must be an existing natural gas customer of Berkshire Gas, Eversource, Liberty Utilities, National Grid, or Unitil
  • Must have a licensed heating contractor or plumber purchase and install eligible equipment 
  • Equipment must be purchased from a participating distributor 
  • Your contractor must provide the installation address and site information to the distributor to obtain the incentive
  • You cannot already be receiving an incentive for the water heating equipment through another program from the Sponsors of Mass Save

Not Sure Where To Start?

If you’re looking for advice on how to save energy, the Sponsors of Mass Save offer energy assessments and guidance to support efficiency projects from start to finish.

Learn More