Building Management Systems (BMS) & Controls Incentives

Incentives for buildings under 300,000 square feet
Building Management Systems (BMS) automatically turn off equipment when not in use—reducing energy loads and extending equipment lifespans.  

For buildings under 300,000 square feet, the Sponsors of Mass Save offer incentives for:

  • First time or replacement BMS installation
  • Addition or optimization of an existing BMS
  • Installation of subscription-based system control

Already thinking about controls, saving energy, and reducing demand charges? Enroll in Active Demand Response through the ConnectedSolutions program and receive an extra $3,000 for first time building enrollment in addition to annual performance payments.

Building Management Systems (BMS) & Controls Incentives
BMS Project Type Incentives Incentive Rate
Installation of New BMS  $0.10
Upgrade of Existing BMS  $0.05
Subscription Based System Control                        $0.01/pre-paid year
Building Control & Active Demand Response Enrollment Incentive* $3,000
*A minimum of two prescriptive electric sequences of operation must be implemented or optimized to be eligible for first time building ADR enrollment
  1. Determine Your Eligibility
    Work with a building controls vendor to discuss your BMS project and determine eligibility. All building control systems require pre-approval from your Program Sponsor(s) prior to implementation. If you or your vendor have any questions regarding project eligibility, please contact your Program Sponsor.

    For subscription-based system control products, if the product has not been previously submitted, please submit these products to the Massachusetts Technology Assessment Committee for review prior to applying for prescriptive incentives. To be considered eligible for prescriptive subscription system-based control incentives, the products must provide centralized control and monitoring of all system points, allow for trend data collection, and provide additional sequences of operation beyond scheduling and optimal start-stop.
  2. Receive Pre-Approval from Your Program Sponsor(s)
    Prior to installation of BMS, submit a completed application, Prescriptive BMS Calculator (which calculates the savings and incentives), and proposed sequence(s) of operation to your Program Sponsor(s) for pre-approval. If the project is served by a gas and electric Program Sponsor and the calculator indicates gas and electric savings, all documentation must be submitted to both Program Sponsors to receive the full incentive. 
    Once Program Sponsor review of the required documentation is completed (which may include a pre-installation site visit), a pre-approval letter will be issued.
  3. After Installation is Completed
    Once the BMS installation has been completed, notify your Program Sponsor(s) and provide the final required documentation, including application with post-installation signatures, Prescriptive BMS Calculator (if changed from pre-approval), final control drawings indicating equipment, final Sequences of Operation, the trend data report(s), system screenshots (as system is operating) and final invoice. Incomplete applications or missing information may delay processing.

    Can't find what you're looking for? The Sponsors of Mass Save offer customized project support to help your business save energy and money and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

For a full list of eligibility requirements, please reference the rebate form.

  • Must be providing control to a building area less than 300,000 square feet. Process and lab loads are not eligible for incentives under this prescriptive application but may be eligible for custom incentives.
  • Must be an existing customer of Berkshire Gas, Cape Light Compact, Eversource, Liberty Utilities, National Grid, or Unitil.
  • All building control systems require pre-approval from your Program Sponsor(s) prior to implementation. Some projects may require pre-inspection.
  • To qualify for incentives, the BMS or subscription-based product adding or optimizing sequences of operation to building systems shall include a central operator's station with a central processing unit, PC (local or remote), and monitor. The operators’ station shall be capable of monitoring all sensors and field devices in real time, communicating via modem, communications bus, wireless device, or internet connection to other microprocessor-based field services, and providing the necessary trend data to verify the sequences of operation being implemented or optimized.
  • Trend data and screenshots are required to verify that implemented sequences align with design expectations. Trends and screenshots must be collected as specified in the project verification section of this application and per the minimum requirements document (MRD).
  • Subscription-based system control products must be reviewed by MTAC prior to applying for a prescriptive incentive.
  • The following BMS upgrades are not eligible for incentives:
    1. Buildings with significant process or lab loads. Incentives may be available on a custom basis.
    2. Standalone front-end upgrades or software updates.
    3. Building spaces with new loads or significant changes in how the space is used. i.e. an increase in conditioned floor area or a restaurant to retail space conversion.
    4. BMS installations in new construction buildings, building additions, or in buildings participating in the Mass Save New Construction & Major Renovations program.
    5. Replacement of existing BMS less than 15 years old.
    6. Control products for standalone pieces of equipment. After market control products on standalone, individual pieces of equipment that do not involve building level programming, interoperability between building systems, or adjustment by the centralized building control.
    7. Sequences of operation and BMS that have already received a rebate or incentive from a Sponsor of Mass Save within the last 5 years, excluding subscription products.

Case Study: Sunovion

A research-based pharmaceutical company installed an expansion of their building management system to control temperatures and perform occupancy setbacks, saving an annual $17,925 in energy costs and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Case Study: Housing Assistance Corporation

By installing a building management system and other energy optimization measures, this non-profit housing organization lowered their energy usage and increased occupant comfort.

Not Sure Where To Start?

If you’re looking for advice on how to save energy, the Sponsors of Mass Save offer energy assessments and guidance to support efficiency projects from start to finish.

Learn More