About Us

Together, we make good happen.

About Mass Save

Mass Save® is a collaborative of Massachusetts’ electric and natural gas utilities and energy efficiency service providers including Berkshire Gas, Cape Light Compact, Eversource, Liberty, National Grid, and Unitil. We empower residents, businesses, and communities to make energy efficient upgrades by offering a wide range of services, rebates, incentives, trainings, and information.

Leading the Charge

Massachusetts is one of the most energy-efficient states in the country. When it comes to climate change, the Sponsors of Mass Save are leading the way to a brighter, more sustainable future by focusing on three pillars.


We’re leading the force in carbon reduction across the state, significantly reducing emissions and investing in electric technologies.

Workforce Development

We’re investing in a new workforce—accelerating the number of energy efficiency jobs across the state.    


We’re making the future of clean energy accessible and attainable for all—including those who need it the most.  

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